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We are a great church for new believers and families!  We have a very casual and straightforward ministry so that you can "come as you are" and grow in your relationship with Christ!

Worship (Sunday 10:45am)


This is an authentic service of faith and celebration.  Great worship in music with full praise band, sensitive and compelling worship in prayer, and a meaningful, relevant Biblically based message.



Sunday School (Sunday 9:45am)

Children's Classes (pre-K, K-1, 2-3)

Preteen gr 4-8 in library (old chapel overflow)

Teen gr 9-12 in south fellowship hall classroom

Young Family Adults in north fellowship hall classroom

Adult Class in the chapel

Senior Adult Class in the Fellowship Hall


Ragamuffin Bible Study (Wednesday 7:00pm)

A conversational devotional at our Front Porch facility

(115 E 4th St)

Big Night with full meal and worship band on the 1st Wednesday nights of each month.

Youth Group (1st Wednesday 6:30pm)

Upstairs in the Loft at our Front Porch facility

(115 E 4th St)

Activities each month as well!


SMALL Groups

Men's Ministry:

-Breakfast and Devotional (3rd Saturday of each month at The Front Porch)


Women's Ministry:

Monthly activities and studies see calendar!

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